Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Sorry for the delay in this post. The internet up here is very unreliable. Anyways, the day started out just like the others, waking up the boys with heavy metal. The girls get more gentle waking up of Mrs. Hennessey saying, "Alright girls, time to get up". They are so lucky they aren't with me. After a breakfast of eggs, bacon, fruit, and bagels the kids were off to their first class. I watched a rat dissection and a frog dissection. These are the kind of things the kids definitely won't get to do in our classrooms. They were so excited about the classes. Others made containers to protect their eggs when they drop off a 25 ft drop and some painted their rock buddies.
After a short break they came back to the dining hall to pack their lunches for the long hike. This is when they are gone for 4 hours hiking through the woods of Freedom. Some of them catch frogs and salamanders, others roast marshmallows and others will go explore the abandoned airfield. It is a tiring time but the kids love it.
For dinner they had chicken fingers and corn on the cob. I was amazed at how much corn was eaten. For the night time activity the kids had another hike. This time there was no light involved. It was the Night Experience Hike. They went out in total darkness and learned how lifesavers make sparks, used a flint and steel to start a fire, and experienced what it was like to be an owl.
Below are some pictures from the multicultural night as well as today.
Learning about Australia |
Adding to a quilt |
Playing Mancala from Africa |
Making hieroglyphics |
More hieroglyphics |
Dance from Cuba |
Making totem poles |
Playing a Viking game |
More of the Viking game |
Foggy Morning |
Learning about rat anatomy |
Frog dissection |
So interested |
Intriguing |
Dropping the egg |
Oops. Cracked |
Bombs away |
Painting rock buddies |
Hmm, what color should I use? |
Giving advice on color choices |
Yes, the insides of a rat. |
Even the kids get to try it. |
Using acorns as whistles |
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