Tuesday, October 6, 2015,
From what I hear from the teachers and parents last night was a challenge getting the kids to sleep for some. I can't blame the kids because they are so excited. However, for me I couldn't wait to wake them up to the sweet sounds of Metallica. I so look forward to this every year. After an uneventful breakfast of pancakes, sausage, fruit, cereal, and yogurt the kids had transition time. this is the time they can play basketball, soccer, tennis, hang out, etc.... Then they signed for their afternoon classes and went out with their field groups for a hike in the woods.
I don't know why but they served chili for lunch but the kids loved it. They don't take into consideration how bad the cabins already smell with the feet. :0. They also had chicken sandwiches for lunch. One thing is for sure the food is flowing like a river here.
Taco Tuesday!! Need I say more? As you can see from the pictures the kids are taking some awesome classes. Some of them are water rockets, build a bridge, dream catchers, alternative energy, roller coasters and the science behind them, and jellybellyology.
Tonight they are having a multicultural fair in the rec hall. They will travel around the world and learn about different cultural around the globe. Then it is on to quiet sing. The counselors play guitar and sing with the kids.
Positive share time. |
Even the parents are having a blast |
A little basketball |
Hanging out |
Chat time |
Soccer is popular up here |
Tennis anyone? |
Look who came up, Mrs. Wladkowski. |
Animal Adaptations |
Animal Adaptations |
Water Rockets |
Dream Catchers |
Dream Catchers |
Dream Catchers |
Water Rockets |
Water Rockets |
Aborn Fifth Graders |
Awesome photos, Mr. Eddy!
I was so glad to see that Mrs. Wladkowski made it up there!
Wish I could have been there for the, "sweet sounds of Metallica" trick :)!
Hope you are all behaving yourself but having a blast!
Miss you here on the home front!
Ms. Muxie
Now I understand how special visiting Nature's Classroom really is! It was exciting to see the students enjoying opportunities to explore and learn about nature. They actually were surviving quite well without their electronic devices!
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