October 9, 2014

Thursday, October 9, 2014

What a beautiful day it is up here.  The sun is shining and it is a little on the windy side but there is no rain.  After breakfast and a class the kids are going on a loooooong hike.  They will hiking into the woods and up some small mountains.  Along the way they will study animal tracks, learn how to start fires for survival, and just have fun
Parents please note that while your child is up here they are not the neatest of people.  Clothes are strewn everywhere, at least in the Aborn boys' cabin they are.  Your child may not come home with every single piece of clothing you sent up with them. There are socks, underwear, t shirts, shoes, etc.... everywhere.  We do our best to have them claim what is theirs, but most of them have no clue what was packed in their bag.
Many of the kids are already talking about not wanting to come home and how quickly the week has gone by.  Your child is having a fantastic time up here. 
For their night time activity they are going on the Night Experience.  They break up in their field groups and go exploring in the dark.  The only one with a  light is their field group leader.  Some groups chew on peppermint lifesavers to see them spark, others will use their senses to help guide them through the woods. This is a great activity that has very popular in the past years.
Only one day left. Where has the time gone?  It was another great year.
Here is one of my favorite things to do here at NC, waking the boys.

Feed your face
Making Masks
Making water rockets


Anonymous said...

Great song choice for revele Mr Eddy.

Mr. Shultz

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Metallica! Good Morning Dylan! - Mom

Samantha Bezemes said...

Good morning my fifth graders! I'm so happy you were able to experience such a great week of fun learning! I do miss you guys though. Enjoy your weekend. Hope you all were supper nice to my friend Mrs. McD!

Mrs. Bezemes

Anonymous said...

I still look back on this a lot. Good times,
- Dylan Schumann

Fifth Grade Trip