October 22, 2024


 We leave three weeks from today! The students are getting excited and so are Mr. B and I. Some students have returned the Outdoor Classroom packet, but we are still waiting for several more. Please, if you can, try to get them in this week. We have to send them to Outdoor Classroom so they have time to go through them before we arrive.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions!

Mrs. H 

October 11, 2019

Last Day!
Sitting on the bus as I post, listening to the kids sing songs they learned this week! Priceless!
The kids got an awesome send off from the staff. They definitely made some life long memories on this trip. Our estimated time of arrival back to CVS is about 2:15. See you soon!

October 10, 2019

So it’s our last night and it comes with mixed emotions. There were tears at quiet sing.. some who want to get home and some who don’t want to leave! It’s been a fabulous week. This afternoon the Aborn kids and chaperones had a big game of football. I’m so proud of these kids! Praising each other after a catch and encouraging each other after a miss! They were awesome!! We also had a birthday surprise for Angelic with cupcakes and juice bags. Tonight we had a turkey dinner and it was delicious. After dinner was “Thursday Night Live.” The kids all performed skits with their field groups and it was a lot of fun. During quiet sing Mrs. Locke and I snuck into the boys’ cabin for a little fun.. spider webs all over the rooms. Tomorrow we get up early to finish packing and cleaning the cabin before the kids have one last field group. We should be leaving about noon.

 A few pics from this afternoon. In some pics you may have noticed the students wearing a beaded necklace. The four beads stand for communication, commitment, cooperation and care. Students can get a necklace for showing one of these four characteristics at anytime. They then pass it on to someone else they feel deserves one and so on. Proud to see so many Aborn  kids with a necklace!

A video from “entertainment” after lunch today (meatball subs and tater tots.)N
Day 4..Thursday, October 10th

This morning’s delicious breakfast was French toast and sausages. Instead of field group this morning, the students played a huge game of Predator vs Prey. First, they talk about food chains and webs. Then they are broken up into groups depending on what animal they have been assigned to. The game is like a massive game of tag where the predators are trying to tag as much prey as possible. Once the prey is tagged, they become part of the predator group. After the game is over, the counselors get them all together to discuss what happened and relate it to animals in nature. After lunch today are two more classes. Some choices are Lake Ecology, Outdoor Cooking, Arrow Dynamics, Catamaran Adventures, and Wild Edibles.  You can certainly tell it is day 4.. cabins are a bit stinky and there are socks everywhere! The kids have really been great though and definitely getting lots of exercise. Here are a few more pics from yesterday. Hoping to get some good ones during classes this afternoon.

October 9, 2019

Another beautiful morning in Freedom! After a breakfast of bacon, eggs, and bagels, the kids packed bag lunches and headed off for their all day hike. They will explore different areas of the camp, have lunch, play games and learn all about nature. Hopefully they will be tired tonight. (It was another long night in the girls cabin!

Fifth Grade Trip