Well, we arrived same and sound after a great bus ride, which flew by. The kids watched Night at the Museum and talked. When we arrived the kids, yes the kids, unloaded their bags off the bus and into the rec hall. Then they all got together in the field to get to know each other and the counselors.
Around 12 we went to the dining hall to have the traditional first day lunch of grilled cheese, fries, and tomato soup. Oh, and the salad bar is a hit with the kids. After lunch the kids brought/dragged their luggage to the
cabins. This has to be one the best visuals of the week other than watching them drag their bags on Friday morning.
They got into their field groups, Aborn, Callahan, and Lincoln-Thomson are mixed together, and went and did a fun activity. In field group they may go hiking, do an experiment, or some other activity. The kids then signed for which class they wanted to participate in. Some of the choices were Egg Drop, Shelters, Compass and Design and Falling Leaves. The kids raved about the classes afterwards.
During transition time the kids can play basketball, football, gaga ball, or just hang out. They usually have this about 4 times a day for half of an hour. It's gets them to unwind and interact with kids from the other schools.
Dinner was chicken, mashed potatoes, and corn. Yummy!!! Trust me your child will not starve up here. The food is awesome and kid friendly. After a brief transition time the kids attended the Science Fair. The counselors had different stations set up with experiments. These are the kind of experiments the kids wouldn't see in school. I think the most popular was the crushing of a soda can with boiling water and cold water. Once the fair was over we had quiet sing. This is the time where the kids unwind and sing with the staff. Also, sometimes these songs end up in the Moving on Ceremony in June.
Our view EVERYDAY!!! |
I'm sure they won't fall asleep until 12 tonight. However, 7:00 am comes very early. I'm looking forward to my tradition of waking them up with heavy metal music. Have a great night!!
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