We arrived around 11:15 this morning.
The ride was uneventful. The kids watched the movie "How to Eat
Fried Worms" and were very quiet. After taking all the luggage
off the bus the kids met their field group leaders and then had
lunch. Lunch consisted of grilled cheese sandwiches, tomato soup,
and the salad bar. I would say the salad bar is the biggest hit in
the dining hall. It is amazing to see how many kids like it. Their
is also fruit for them to eat.
Once lunch was over the kids got their
bags and brought them to their cabins. This is truly one of my
favorite events. They essentially have to carry their bags the length
of a football field to the cabins. I feel bad, kind of, for the
students who have a cabin that is far from the rec hall. Some of
their bags must weigh 80 pounds. Then, after squaring away their
bedding and bags they went into their field groups. This is were
they get meet the other kids and play games. It is basically a get
to know you session. After field groups they had transition time.
Now they get to play basketball, soccer, kickball, tennis etc... for
an hour. Oh yea, and tether ball.

After transition time the kids went to
their classes. Some of the classes they were able to choose from
were frog dissection, slingshots, camouflage, salamander gander, and
reflections of nature. I think the dissections will be the popular
classes this week. Next, came the fire drill and dinner. Tonight
they served baked chicken, rice, and vegetable medley of summer
squash, zucchini, and carrots. I am proud to say some of the students
tried the veggies and liked them. The night ended with a science
fair in which the staff demonstrated the properties of fire, how
their vision is affected when looking through the wrong end of a pair
of binoculars, chemical reactions of household products, and how heat
rises. All the experiments were done in a safe environment. The
last thing of the night was quiet sing where the kids sing songs with
the staff.. Tonight's selections consisted of classics such as
Don't Stop Believing and Yellow Submarine. They also learned a
couple Nature's Classroom songs Woody and We Come from the Mountain.
Your children are having an incredible
time and one even said she didn't want to go home on Friday. The
Nature's Classroom staff is keeping them extremely busy.
Have a great night!