After what seemed what was going to be a day of nothing but dreary weather we drove into the sun, literally, in New Hampshire. It turned out to be a gorgeous day at Nature's Classroom. We got here around 11:15 and the kids got acquainted with their surrounds(a.k.a hauling their bags to the cabins). After a lunch of grilled cheese, soup, chili, and salad they broke up into their field groups. This is the group that they are with all week, however they do take different classes with different counselors.
The kids went to field group to get to know their counselors and the other kids here. Then they had transition time, which is basically free time, for a half an hour. They played basketball, soccer, football, and tennis. I don't think anyone was sitting around. After they went into their first class. Some of the choices were eye dissection, JellyBelly-ology, Eat the USA, Forest fires, etc... It is funny because the dissections are the most popular of all the classes.
For dinner we had pasta, rolls, and veggies. Of course they loved dessert the best, brownies. As I was sitting at the dinner table Victoria said, “I've only been at Nature's Classroom for a day and I already love it”. That's what I mean when I say your child will not want to leave on Friday. Right now they are in a science fair where they are learning to burn money, and it is not from shopping, making goo with cornstarch, burn the penny, they like to waste money up here, and floating a tea bag. I don't understand this one. After this will be quiet sing and then nighty-night. Of course they won't go right to sleep. I'm figuring they won't go to sleep until at least 11, maybe later. I can't wait for tomorrow morning with my morning metal song.